In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Society for the Promotion of Persian Language and Literature



Kelile and Demne consists of some narrations its heroes are animals having human role and characteristics. This property of Kelile and Demne is a good ground to study and analyze points of its narration from the point of view of narratology. On this basis, this research using Linvelt’s narratology studies lion, fox and donkey narration of Kelile and Demne simplified by Agita Mohammadzade, showing that stories of Kelile and Demne which abstract narrator to suggest specific message t child addressees is meaningful discourse in which a certain narrative program forms and generally aims to account for, what is abstract narrator function in reproduction of these theories and how meaning is produced? Results show that abstract narrator by stratifying text a kind of liquidity and dynamism are created in the text which suggests ideology and making close or far the abstract addressee to social, cultural and ethical beliefs.


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